Jun 7, 2015

Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences (2013) by Irving Seidman

Book's pages: 194

I think this an excellent book for anyone exploring interviewing as a method for social science research. Seidman synthesized the full process of interviewing within the research process in a relatively easy read. Please note this book focuses on in-depth phenomenological interviewing. In other words, the book focuses on interviewing as a method to research the experience of individuals. Regardless of that focus, I think this is a good book to cover various issues around interviewing (even for ethnographic, case study, or grounded theory research). A key benefit of this book is that Seidman synthesizes key references for the various issues an interviewer needs to consider. These include ethical, data collection, gender, or racial considerations. In short, Seidman introduces the reader to the three interview series through which a research conducts three separate interviews of the same participant. Each interview is 90 minutes. The first interview covers the life history of the participant. The second concentrates on the current details of the participant's experience. The third interview covers the meaning of the experiences to the participants. Seidman recommends taking 2 to 3 weeks to interview each individual; the three interviews should be spaced between 3 days to a week apart.


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