3Angels Livable Communities Initiative

Boosting living standards and intellectual development to unlock eternal decision-making


On February 27, 2015, 3AngelsLCI launched its VISION 2025 in commemoration of Ellen G. White's new strategy she visioned on February 27, 1910. As the 105-year anniversary of that new strategy, February 27 became the key date to launch the VISION 2025 which aims to bring that new strategy to life.

Centers of Influence

Centers of Influence are one part of the Ellen G. White's twin-model strategy of community development and humanitarian endeavors for reaching all cities, towns and villages worldwide. These pictures shows a center of influence in development in Phoenix, AZ.

Outpost Centers

Outpost Centers are the other part of Ellen G. White's twin-model strategy. The services at the Outpost Centers and Centers of Influence are to complement each other.

Community-based Agriculture

This Hub of Influence is demonstrating how home-based agriculture, a key component of Ellen G. White's strategy, can still be implemented within a city, even a desert-city like Phoenix, AZ. Home-based agriculture has various benefits to community well-being including economic empowerment, healthy exercise, access of sunlight and fresh air, environmental conservation, food security, etc.

Jun 20, 2012

Christian Service (1925) by Ellen G. White

Book's Pages:  275;

This is another book that contains compilations from Ellen G. White's writings highlighting the various aspects of Christian service. The topics cover virtually all practical topics related to this issue.  Ellen White writes about every Christian's duty to serve others for the sake of humanity's spiritual and physical benefit. She addresses the biblical and ethical basis for such service, and the role of everyone - the young, the old, the wealthy and the less privileged.There is a lot I could highlight from this book but the following statement caught my attention more than any other. Ellen G. White wrote this sentence to encourage anyone of the assurance of success when one subjects oneself to God when serving others. 
"As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command, may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings." (emphasis added) Christian Service, 258.6/Christ Object Lessons, 333 
 Click here to read (FREE) the book Christian Service by Ellen G. White

Jun 3, 2012

Ministry to the Cities (2012) by Ellen G. White

Book's Pages:  224;

A timely book! This book is a compilation of Ellen G. White's quotations that highlight that the Adventist church should embrace the ministry to the world's cities. In 195 easy-to-read pages, this compilation has enough information to help a reader understand the biblical basis for a thorough worldwide city ministry and the Spirit of Prophecy support for that work. 
The church, under President Ted Wilson's Mission to the Cities endeavor is endorsing the church's work as outlined in this book. In summary, city ministry work should be conducted using the framework of Isaiah 58/Matthew 25:31-46. This will be the framework used by the foundation my friends and I are launching - 3Angels Livable Communities Initiative (3AngelsLCI) International. Stay tuned!

Here is a quotation from the book which shows how a San Francisco church embraced Ellen White's advice and enjoyed simple but powerful community outreach activities:

"During the past few years, the “beehive” in San Francisco has been indeed a busy one. Many lines of Christian effort have been carried forward by our brethren and sisters there. These included
  • visiting the sick and destitute,
  • finding homes for orphans,
  • and work for the unemployed;
  • nursing the sick,
  • and teaching the truth from house to house;
  • the distribution of literature,
  • and the conducting of classes on healthful living and
  • the care of the sick.
  • A school for the children has been conducted in the basement of the Laguna Street meeting-house.
  • For a time a working men’s home and medical mission was maintained.
  • On Market Street, near the city hall, there were treatment rooms, operated as a branch of the St. Helena Sanitarium.
  • In the same locality was a health food store.
  • Nearer the center of the city, not far from the Call building, was conducted a vegetarian cafe, which was open six days in the week, and entirely closed on the Sabbath.
  • Along the water front, ship mission work was carried on.
  • At various times our ministers conducted meetings in large halls in the city.
Thus the warning message was given by many.
Ministry to the Cities, p. 190; The Review and Herald, July 5, 1906 (Welfare Ministry, p. 112).
 Click here to buy a copy of the book Ministry to the Cities by Ellen G. White